The following post is about viewing data from azure work items (ticket id, title etc..) and managing org notes by tagging them.

Setting up az cli & az devops extension for az cli

azure has a cli and for azure devops there is an extension .

#after installing azure cli & cli devops extension
az devops login

Viewing tickets in org mode (using az wiql)

This snippet does two things

  1. Shows a table of ticket ids , titles etc.. in org mode
  2. Saves it as JSON to be used by other functions Azure-cli supports queries with a syntax called wiql
cd  C:\Users\Tejaswi.DPrakash\Documents\code\azure-devops;
#I use a python venv.
$res = az boards query --output json --wiql "SELECT [id],[Description], [Title],[Priority], [Changed Date] FROM workitems where [system.assignedto] = 'widp' and [system.state] <> 'DONE' and [system.state] <> 'RESOLVED' "  --organization ""  --project  "my project";
$res | out-file C:\Users\tickets.json ;

$res = az boards query --output table --wiql "SELECT [id], [Title],[Priority], [Changed Date] FROM workitems where [system.assignedto] = 'widp' and [system.state] <> 'DONE' and [system.state] <> 'RESOLVED' "  --organization ""  --project  "my project";
write-output $res
write-output "fetching results complete";

Tagging org mode entries with ticket numbers using completing-read

This snippet parses the json file. The set-ticket-id function displays a completion interface with work item title, and sets the id of the work item as the tag/property of the current org subtree.

(defvar titleID-hashtable (make-hash-table :test 'equal ))

(defun set-ticket-id(&optional return-string)
    (insert-file-contents "C:\\Users\\\\tickets.json")
    (setq tickets-json (json-parse-buffer))

    (setq tickets-json-list (append tickets-json nil))
     (lambda (x)
	(gethash "System.Title" (gethash "fields" x))
	(gethash "id" x)
  (setq tag-or-prop (completing-read "tag or prop?" '("tag" "property")))
  (setq selected-id (number-to-string (gethash (completing-read "get-ticket-id" titleID-hashtable) titleID-hashtable)))
  (if (equal return-string nil)
      (if (equal tag-or-prop "property")
	  (org-set-property "TICKET_ID" selected-id)
	(org-set-tags selected-id))